FeaturesWireless occupancy/vacancy sensor has 2 settings available auto-on/Auto-Off and Manual-On/auto-offVacancy model meets CA Title 24 requirementsPassive infrared motion detection with exclusive Lutron® XCT technology for fine motion detectionMinor motion 1500 sq-ft, major motion 3000 sq-ft for 180 deg field of view modelMinor motion 1225 sq-ft, major motion 2500 sq-ft for 90 deg field of view modelMajor motion coverage of up to 150 ft for hallway model with long, narrow field of viewSimple and intuitive adjustments available for timeout, activity, and auto-on settingsAccessible test buttons make setup easyLens illuminates during test mode to verify ideal locations10 years battery lifeRequires CR 123 lithium battery