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4 inch PVC Coupling

13 Products
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Thomas & Betts Carlon® E940N Non-Metallic Standard Conduit Coupling, 4 in, For Use With SCH 40 and SCH 80 Conduit, PVC
Werner #2567305
In Stock: 88More Info
Thomas & Betts Carlon® E945N Non-Metallic Conduit Expansion Coupling, 4 in, For Use With Schedule 40 and 80 Conduit, PVC
Ipex 078010 CP40 4IN PVC COUPLING
MFR #078010
Werner #3989044
In Stock: 343More Info
EATON Crouse-Hinds series 669 EMT compression coupling, EMT, Zinc Plated Steel, Compression type, 4 Inch
Robroy RedH2OT® PRCPLG-4 Conduit Coupling, 4 Inch
Werner #44387
In Stock: 130More Info
T&B Carlon E941N Non-Metallic Long-Line Coupling With Conduit Stop
MFR #E941N
Werner #629220
Thomas  Betts Carlon® E200NS8 2-Piece Non-Metallic Split Coupling, 4 in, For Use With SCH 40 Conduit, PVC