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nVent CADDY makes your cable management, support and installation easy with hanging, fastening and support solutions for electrical installation, datacom, telecom, fire protection or HVAC applications. CADDY’s innovative solutions to hang boxes, conduit, pipe and cable tray include strut clamps, brackets, studs, stud mounts, clips, clamps, and t-grid box hangers.

lnVent CADDY In-Wall Solutions: TB1624HD

A quick and easy box mounting system with base frame and snap-on mounting plates for a fast, reliable install.

nVent CADDY 512SA T-Grid Box Hanger Installation

It is ready to use right out of the box and is a tool-free solution designed to make installation simple.


+ nVent CADDY Speed Link Flyer
+ Fixing, Fastening & Support Flyer
+ In-Wall Solutions Brochure
+ Prefab Assemblies Brochure
+ Rod Lock Brochure

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