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Busways, Busway Fittings & Accessories

Busway Fusible Plug Units
6 Products
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Eaton TAP361 3-Pole Old Line Fusible Plug-In Unit, 600 VAC, 30 A, 3 Wires
Werner #2378278
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Eaton P3F361RGN 3-Pole R-Class Fusible Plug-In Unit With 50% Internal Ground and 100% Neutral, 600 VAC, 30 A, 4 Wires
Eaton TAP362 3-Pole Old Line Fusible Plug-In Unit, 600 VAC, 60 A, 3 Wires
Werner #2378285
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Eaton P3F364RGH P3F 3-Pole R-Class Horizontal Hanger Fusible Plug-In Unit With 50% Internal Ground, 600 VAC, 200 A, 3 Wires
Eaton P3F363RGH 3-Pole R-Class Horizontal Hanger Fusible Plug-In Unit With 50% Internal Ground, 600 VAC, 100 A, 3 Wires
Eaton P3F361RN 3-Pole R-Class Fusible Plug-In Unit With 100% Neutral, 600 VAC, 30 A, 4 Wires
Werner #4051798
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