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Rockwell Automation Authorized Services

The Authorized Service Provider designation enables Werner Electric Supply to provide insight for customers in supporting their installed base and accelerating their Connected Enterprise journey. The partnership is based on a shared commitment to provide superior value to customers, automation expertise and world-class local support.

Modernization Readiness Assessment

Why Modernize?

The expense and risk of justifying control system upgrades is a challenge. Outdated equipment and legacy systems are costly to run. Let us help you meet the demands of modern manufacturing with a Modernization Readiness Assessment which can help you optimize your processes and equip your employees for higher performance and efficiency.

Develop a Modernization Plan

Let us help you identify your most critical equipment, your biggest risks and your migration options to make the biggest impact on your operations. We can then help you implement a plan that fits your application needs, budget and long-term goals.
First, our experts will review your installed base to address your biggest obsolescence risks. Werner Electric Supply will conduct an onsite, lifecycle analysis of your equipment and spare parts so you can clearly understand your obsolescence risk. A thorough review and summary of this information will help you prioritize your modernization needs and goals.

Manage Organic Network Growth

In order to help you manage organic network growth, the experts at Werner Electric Supply will also provide an in-depth examination of your industrial networks. We will provide a Report Summary which includes your overall network status, and a technical description of potential network issues and vulnerabilities. Also included is the potential impact on your network, mitigation steps and best practices for adding new devices.

Improve Performance, Reliability and Connectivity.

Security Posture Survey

If you've been asking yourself whether you are in compliance with regulatory requirements, vulnerable to third-party applications or have a disaster recovery plan after a cyber-attack, a Security Posture Survey may be the right fit for your business. Face the increasingly common and costly cyber security threat by securing your critical infrastructure and protecting against cyberattacks by completing a Security Posture Survey with Werner Electric Supply today.


Are you facing these challenges?
Request a Security Posture Survey today!
Skills Gap
  • Lack of qualified personnel
  • Achieving productivity goals
  • Lack of staffing to expand operations
  • Security is an afterthought & standards are evolving
  • Aging industrial control systems and protocols
  • Lack of proper policies and procedures


IT/OT Convergence
  • Low adoption of risk management processes
  • Shadow/Stealth IT
  • Lack of tools to manage infrastructure
  • Too much data, lack of actionable information
  • Lack of comprehensive asset inventory
  • Integrate: customer demand, supply chain and industrial processes
  • Integration of new technologies


Network Assessment

The experts at Werner Electric Supply can examine all your intelligent devices and recommend cable management, routing and labeling, switch selection, and in addition, assess physical and logical topology, and security.

Variable Speed Drive Startup

When you purchase a new low-voltage drive, let us supply drive startup assistance with extended parts warranty and on-site training.

Security Posture

Secure your critical infrastructure and protect against cyberattacks with an Automation Security Posture Survey. Get detailed information so you can assess and prioritize your OT network security risks.

VersaVirtual Startup

Utilize our expertise to take care of your virtualization integration. Our VersaVirtual Startup services can include monitoring, administration and virtualization management-specific administration.


+ Network Solutions Brochure
+ Network Services Brochure
+ Automation Wireless Solutions Brochure
+ Industrial Network Assessments Flyer
+ WPS Remote Assistance Flyer
+ Remote Access - Education Flyer
+ Remote Access - Products Flyer
+ Remote Access - Small Business Flyer

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